Hanging Out with the Band

Hanging Out with the Band

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Para Todos Mis Amigos

Para mis amigos que son... Solteros:
El amor es como una mariposa, mientras mas lo persigues mas te evade. Pero si lo dejas volar libre, regresara a ti cuando menoes lo esperes.
El amor puede hacerte feliz, pero muchas veces duele, pero el amor solo es especial cuando lo entreguas a alguien que realmente se lo merece.
Asi que tomate tu tiempo y elige lo mejor.

Para mis amigos que son... No Tan Solteros:
El amor no es convertirse en la "Persona Perfecta" para alguien. Es encontrar a ese alguien que te ayuda a ser la mejor persona que puedas ser.

Para mis amigos que... Solo Quieren Vivir Un Momento o Estar Con Las Personas, Para Sentirse Mejor:

  1. Nunca digas "Te Quiero", si en verdad no te importa.
  2. Nunca hables de sentimientos si en verdad no los sientes.
  3. Nunca toques una vida si pretendes romper un corazon..
  4. Nunca mires a los ojos cuando todo lo que haces es mentir.

Para mis amigos que son... Casados:
  1. El amor no es sobre "Es Tu Culpa," si no sobre "Lo Siento."
  2. El amor no es sobre "Donde Estas," si no sobre "Estoy Aqui."
  3. El amor no es sobre "Como Pudiste," si no sobre "Te Entiendo"
  4. El amor no es sobre "Quisiera Que Estuvieras Aqui," si no de "Te Agradezco Que Lo Estes"
Para mis amigos que son/estan.... Comprometidos:
La verdadera medida de la compatibilidad no son los anos que pasan juntos, si no que tan buenoes son el uno para el otro y que tan calidos son los momentos que hacen juntos.

Para mis amigos que... Tienen El Corazon Destrozado:
Los corazones rotos duran tanto como uno desea y cortan tan profundamente como los dejas continuar. El verdadero desafio es como sobrevivir a un corazon roto y aprender de la experiencia.

Para mis amigos que son... Inocentes:
Enamorate, pero no tropieces, se consistente, pero no muy persistente, comportate y nunca seas injusto, entiende y trata de no demandar y sufre, pero nunca mantengas el dolor. Por que el dolor lo que unico que hace es crear recor y odio.

Para mis amigos que son... Posesivos:
Te parte el corazon ver a quien amas ser feliz con otra persona, pero es mucho mas doloroso saber que a quien amas es infeliz estando contigo. Cuando el amor es verdadero duele un poquito menos hacer sacrificios, como por ejemplo dejarlos ir.

Para mis amigos que... Tienen Miedo De Confesar:
El amor duele cuando termnas con alguien. Pero duele muchisimo mas cuando alguien rompe contigo. Duele ahun mas cuando la persona que has amado no tiene idea de como te sientes.

Para mis amigos que... Todavia Estan Aguantandose:
Una cosa triste de la vida es cuando conoces a alguien y te enamoras, solo para encontrar al final que nunca funciono y que has perdido tanto tiempo de tu vida en alguien que no valio la pena. Si el o ella no vale la pena ahora, el o ella no valdra la pena en un ano o en dos o 10 anos. Dejalos que se vallan, asi te das chance tu mimo(a) de habrir tus alas y volar a empazar a amar y a disfrutar de esas cositas que te perdiste mientras esperabas.

Mis deseos para todos ustedes es que encuentren un hombre/mujer cuyo amor sea honesto, fuerte, maduro, enriquecedor, animado, que no sea egoista, que nunca cambie y sobre todo que los hagan felices.

Ps. Los quiero mucho a todos.
Christian Hidalgo

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Metaphisic: Real or Fiction?

Monday around 9:30 am I decided to take the time to read a book that my church game on bible studies on Sunday and me being me, I've been pushing it back till that day. I sat down on the kitchen table; as I was reading I notice my dad staring at me while he was eating breakfast, he was having cereal (This is not uncommon coming from him, since he's got a take on everything and his points of view are not usually good most of the time) so I decided to ignore him till I was done reading the chapter I was on. As soon as I put the book down my dad got up and as he walk away from me he started to talk, "You know Chris, when I was younger I used to read a lot and one of the things I like to read about the most was Metaphysics (Metaphysic: is a branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world)and I remember some passages that stuck with me, it talked about this world being a full with energy and us being affected by that energy, good and bad and those rip jeans (here is when I understood why he was starting at me) are attracting bad energy, that is the reason why every time my cloths rips or starts to ravel I throw it out and replace it with new. I also remember Britney Spears  doing an interview with rip jeans "you know I like her, I mean she is extremely attractive and sexy" any ways not long after her interview wearing those jeans that were so in she got arrested with drugs (I don't actually remember this scenario ever taking place but it is possible, I do think my dad at this point got Britney confused with Paris Hilton) and then the economical debacle and depression and what not, so if you have the time read it.

All of this got me thinking... Could my dad be right about this? Could it be true? After all I do believe on Fen Shui (Fen Shui: is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Heaven and Earth to help one improve life by receiving positive energy or qi).

I used to be very successful at pretty much everything I did, even long shots to the point where my friends though I was the luckiest guy ever and ever since I switched to rip jeans to sort of follow "Fashion" and I put that in "" because I was more like pushed in to it by my girlfriend at the time, she said "Those jeans look awesome on you, you should get a pair in ever style and color" and ever since started using them I tend to get in more trouble than usual and my plans are not really falling into place as they should, which makes me even more subconscious about the whole rip jeans idea thing.

I did some research about this energy thing and as it turns out there are hundreds of sites that say that energy does affect us in  many different ways, just like colors and music change our moods, the same thing happens with energy, there even are some doctors that use energy healing therapy to treat patients with depression, upset stomach, headaches, injuries, the list goes on, and every day a new form of energy healing is revealed and what not, but I could not find one site that said anything about using energy to influence bad karma or to influence you life negatively which is interesting but at the same time why would you want to read about harming another person/human being? All of this research brings something to mind which is, if you can do good with it, you can also do bad, I mean the coin always has two faces...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Guys Point of View

I wrote this note while I was in college, it was inspired by multiple failed relationships and seeing my friends jumping through the same hoops, so I hope this blog helps someone.
Ohh by the way someone told me they've seen this before some where, which is not weird due to facebook mostly.

Guy's point of view...

We don't care if you talk to other guys.
 We don't care if you're friends with other guys.

But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off.

It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there.

We don't care if a guy calls you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned.
Nothing is that important at 2 a.m.
that it can't wait till the morning.

Also, when we tell you "you're pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ cute/ stunning", we fucking mean it.

Don't tell us we're wrong.

We'll stop trying to convince you.

The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence.

Yeah, you can quote me.

Push us down on the couch and make a move once in a while.
We like that aggressiveness about you and we like the unexpected.
When we know you're really happy, it makes us happy too.


Don't be mad when we hold the door open.
Take Advantage of the mood im in.



We enjoy doing it (Paying for you).

It's expected.

Smile and say "thank you."

Kiss us when no one's watching.

If you kiss us when you know nobody's looking we'll be more impressed.

You don't have to get dressed up for us.

If we're going out with you in the first place, you don't have to feel the need to wear the shortest skirt you have or put on every kind of makeup you own.

We like you for WHO you are and not WHAT you are.

Honestly, I think a girl looks more beautiful when she's just in her pj's or my tshirt and boxers, not all dolled up


Don't take everything we say seriously.

Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it.

Don't get angry easily.

Stop using magazines/media as your bible.

Don't talk about how hott Brad Pitt or Jesse McCartny is in front of us.

It's boring, and we don't care.
You have girlfriends for that.


Whatever happened to the word "handsome"/"beautiful", I'd be stunned by a girl who greeted me with "Hey handsome!" instead of 
"Hey baby/ stud/ cutie/ sexy" or whatever else you can think of.
On the other hand im not saying I wouldn't like it either ; )

Girls, I cannot stress this enough:

Someone who will honor your morals.

Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest.

Someone who will care for you even when you make mistakes.

Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel.

Someone who will stop what theyre doing just to look you in the eyes....and say "i love you" ...

Att. to all.................
Give the nice guys a chance!!!!!! we deserve it!!! let us finish in a place other than last and always know that we think you look beautiful in anything you wear.

It's not us kissing your ass.

It's not us just after some sex.

You just look beautiful.

To alot of us, you could dress up as a guy & we would turn gay for you.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Regular Morning!

So, today I was awaken around 8:30 Am by the very annoying sound of my mom knocking on my door, telling to get up because the breakfast was ready and we were all about to seat down for breakfast. Me waking up today was very annoying because the night before I had friends over and well enough to say they left around 4 Am so you can imagine how much sleep I got, also there is also the issue that I woke to with an incredible head ache, so I was really annoyed this morning, but things started to get better as soon as I step out the bathroom. My mom made scramble eggs for breakfast with toast and strawberry milk shake (Strawberries happen to be one of my favorite fruits, so I would eat or drink anything with strawberries) so after taking a couple pills for my head ache I eat my breakfast and which was amazing, then my dad started talking about tomorrow being sunday and him wanting to go out and eat out with my mom (That is very normal for him, my dad has this believe that no one should work or do anything but to rest on a sunday, so that is what he does, no matter what) and suddenly he said, I need to wash my baby (he was referring to his Mercedes Benz, sometimes I think he loves that car more than he loves my mom, but who knows). The highlights of my day was when this friends of mine came over  to talk to me about the bible(the just join this religious group and now they have to go door to door doing this, which is fine I don't mind) so of course I invite them in and my dad, who was outside, came barging into the house interrupting our conversation to talk about me! Like what the F*** men, and this wasn't even a conversation, a conversation is a two way road, you talk I listen, I talk you listen, but what he was doing was monologging the whole conversation as if his ideas or what he had to say to my friends was more important than anything else. My friends just gave me this look like, when is he ever going to be quiet? he didn't notice it and kept going and going, till one of my friends, Donald, decided to interrupt him and my dad stop talking for a sec and said, I've said to much, so I am going to leave you guys here  to finish your talk(I don't want to get into the details of all of the crap that my dad talked about, because honestly it is a bunch of crap, but to give you and idea so you can paint the picture, he talked about the $200 electricity bill last month, I mean we live in Florida, what else did he talk about, oh yeah, about me not been more like him and about wanting to live alone (when he said this I remember thinking then you would be...) because we are not (my brother and I) as organized as he is and what not) and walked away...  Like who does that??? Where are all the manners and morals? Where did they go? Were all life learned lesson crap? or was it all just for show?

Friday, October 29, 2010

My First Time

This is the first time I am actually writing about my personal life, I mean I've talked to people in the past, specially when I was in school, I mean the stress that I got from classes, work, relationships and what not, it was hard to handle so my parents suggest to talk to someone about it, so they could help me manage stress in a better way.  But this is way different I am actually going to talk about all of the very personal issues, that I've never talked about before. Why now? Well  I need to vent and also it is easier and cheaper to write about this things than to actually schedule a therapy session with an specialist.